Velamma Episode 26 : Good Influences Now Velamma must do her best to cheer up the poor boy and make him think positive again. And then an important question arose: what should she do to help him? Chapter Nine The city was swelteringly hot. Velamma hoped that the wind was blowing on the mainland, and from the very morning she peered into the clouds, trying to see through them the emerging storm. And this rain, this torturous downpour under the cold sunlight, lifted her spirits. And no matter what happens, Velamma thought, this is what will make the world kinder. She stopped in front of the stone giant - the palace of Khohra, which always seemed to her so grandiose and impregnable. And yet now he seemed airy and light as a haze. The countries of the United Islands, this hulk that might well have been called a castle, were surrounded only by a river and a stream, and in the center of the city there was a beautiful park with well-groomed paths, with a pool, with a lovely flower garden and fruit trees in a wonderful shade. Children frolic in the park, they were amused by the water wheels, they threw handballs into the round belly of the boat, and the older ones, squatting, knitting bright rag dolls. It seemed to Velamma that she was in her own home, in childhood, at the most pleasant time of her life, when her father made toys himself, and her mother embroidered. I have a lot of toys, she thought absently. “I’ll make myself new dolls, I’ll build myself a little house…†And then it dawned on her: Amon! After all, she can visit him, tell him how much he has to do. She looked desperately at the tall brick house that stood on the other side of the pond. Before, he seemed very close to her, but now ... she remembered the huge windows in which she saw the reflection of her own soul and reflected herself, with a red plaid on her shoulders and little Alina in her arms to fill her womb, whose youth she felt somewhere very deep within yourself. Alina kicked, but that didn't stop Velamm from sitting and thinking about her life. “What if he answers that everything you do will be good in the end? she asked herself, and, as if hearing this question, he answered: “Yes, it will, but not immediately.†3e8ec1a487
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